"You can't connect the dots by looking forward...."
-Steve Jobs-
Yes you can't. After go to European Higher Education Fair (EHEF) at JCC last Saturday, once again I want to pursue my dream as soon as possible. A lot of people looking for scholarship and the next thing in your head is, "Damn, there are so many competitor here". but on the other hand, you feel that everyone in that room have the same dream and somehow it encourage every one else to pursue their dream as well. Dream really contagious.
There are some universities participate in EHEF and some scholarship organization such as Erasmus Mundus, DAAD (for German scholarship), British Council, and Nuffic Neso (for Holland). They have their own booth and so many people asking about scholarship, and there are some presentation from some organization that provide scholarships as well. Honestly, that is the first time I came to this kind of event. When I was in college, I just attend some presentation about scholarship that came to my college. So, when I saw so many people from many countries and scholarship organization, it's amazed me. In this event I got some facts that worry me about my dream.
First one, Nuffic Neso is government to government cooperation, event they have a list which government institution that have cooperation with them. Or, you can take scholarship for people that work for any private company EXCEPT.....multinational company (MNC), S-H-I-T!! Currently I have an internship at Big Blue. And if I continue to work here, that means I can't take that scholarship. That make Engineering Policy or Management of Technology in DELFT seems soo far away.
Second one, DAAD only offer some program only, It doesn't like Nuffic Neso that you can apply to the universities than after you got the scholarship, you can apply for the scholarship. In DAAD, there are some specific program that changes every year with definitive requirement for the applicant. And most major that I want need Business or Economy background as a bachelor degree (for some program even we need to take GMAT).
Last things, you can apply Chevening scholarship even if you come from MNC companies. But, the program that you take NOT the MBA program. Ok, and most of program that I wish to take are under management or business department do some of them will counted as MBA program.
One thing that maybe is my last chance before decided to have 2 working experience is Erasmus Mundus program for Global Innovation Management. And I will need to prepare everything quickly. And maybe, I will do the craziest thing in my life, take 2 TOEFL iBT withing 20 days. Spend more than 300 USD for TOEFL instead of buy an Android or an iPhone without take any preparation course.
But one thing that I always remember, I have a dream and that dream not only for me. But to change my country to be a better country.
I wanted to become connector between research and business. So people won't do useless research, their research will be used by people, and with business we will get profit so we can continue the research process. Today we can't see the direct effect of our research. Even the biggest innovation event (ex: PKM, Pekan Karya Tulis Mahasiswa) in Indonesia seems useless because it just an event, without implementation or can't become the final product that people can feel the benefit from the research. If we can connect research, business and market together hopefully, Indonesia not just mere consumer country.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
-Apple campaign-
Wish me luck.